Win A Ford Mustang GT That Looks Like A 7-Eleven Store [Photos And Video]

Photo: (Getty Images)

7-Eleven is giving away a custom Ford Mustang GT they painted to look like a 7-Eleven storefront. It's green, white, orange, and red, with 7-Eleven racing stripes on the hood. They worked with Galpin Auto Sports from the show, "Pimp My Ride" for this model.

It's got other features too, like a Slurpee-shaped gear shift . . . a "night owl" hood ornament instead of the Mustang pony . . . and a triangular cup holder to hold a slice of pizza.

There are two ways to win it . . .

You'll be entered into the sweepstakes if you buy participating products through the 7-Eleven app, the Speedway app, or their 7NOW delivery app.  (7-Eleven bought Speedway last year for $21 billion.)

 Or just follow them on Instagram and comment on posts that include the hashtag Model711Sweeps. The contest runs through May 24th. 

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