This is useful info on National Margarita Day. Your ability to describe how plastered your friends are is about to become much more robust: A study found the English language has 546 different words for being drunk.
You know the classics, like hammered . . . wasted . . . tipsy . . . trashed . . . smashed . . . loaded . . . or the more formal, inebriated. Even things like "shwasted" made the list. But some of the more obscure ones are fun too.
Most are British terms. We won't get into why Brits need SO many words for being drunk, but apparently they do. Here are a few more good ones . . .
1. Bladdered
2. Mullered
3. Pickled
4. Cabbaged
5. Sozzled
6. Fuddled
7. Peloothered
8. Corned
9. Skunked
10. Squiffed
11. Stonkered
12. Trousered
13. Beery
14. Beliquored
15. Bingoed
16. Jeremied
17. Pifflicated
18. Schnookered
19. Crapulous
20. Slap-happy