10 Things You Shouldn't Have in Your Home If You're Over 30

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An Interior designer has chimed in about things you shouldn't have in your home once you're over 30. 

Here are his top ten . . .

1. Inflatable furniture. He didn't mention bean bags.

2. Stuffed animals on your bed. Or anywhere, unless you have kids.

3. Plastic cups, plates, and silverware. It's time to level up and get something nicer.

4. Old trophies. If you want to display them, your mom would still LOVE to.

5. A super-old mattress. 10 years is the max.

6. Dreamcatchers. A lot of people had them as kids and hung onto them.

7. Paper floor lamps. They're great in college, or even in your late 20s. But upgrade when you can.

8. Anything space-themed. Like sheets or blankets with moon-and-star patterns. And those glow-in-the-dark stars that stick on your ceiling should go.

9. Cork boards. At least not a cheap one if you want your place to look grown-up.

10. Shot glasses as décor. You can keep them around to USE them. Just store them in a cupboard with your other glasses. No one cares that you went to Cancun for spring break 14 years ago.

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